Nikša Eterović,,
rođen 1955., diplomirao je kazališnu režiju i radiofoniju na ADU u Zagrebu te filozofiju i komparativnu književnost na FF-u u Zadru. U Berlinu je realizirao svoje ideje o multinacionalnom i višejezičnom kazalištu osnivanjem Wind Spiel Theatera 1989. godine i teNTheatera 2002.
Režirao je 130 kazališnih projekata u Hrvatskoj i na području bivše Jugoslavije, u Njemačkoj, Finskoj i Irskoj.
Osnovao je 1995. godine internacionalnu instituciju za scenska zvanja tzv. theakademie u Berlinu koju je vodio kao umjetnički voditelj i direktor sve do travnja 2012. Za theakademie osmislio je kurikulum, radio kao docent za glumu, režiju, kazališnu pedagogiju i kao mentor za studentske redateljske projekte.
Djelatnost Eterovića proteže se na područja režije i scenske kreacije, prevencije, resocijalizacije i terapije, inovacije u kreativnom poduzetništvu i na odgojno obrazovanje. Njegov rad je interdisciplinaran i interkulturalan. Središnja tema je kreativnost, njeno oslobađanje, poticanje i njegovanje.
Zbog svog raznolikog i inovativnog rada uvršten je u knjigu Who is Who in der BRD.
Autor je novih metoda rada za poticanje kreativnosti i razvoj cjelovite ličnosti npr. H.T.–Organically Creative Method, A.P.–pharmacy poetry, NACQ: Necklace of Answers Created with Questions?, Der rote Rahmen/Crveni Okvir. Njegove inovativne metode objedinjene su 2015. godine pod zajedničkim nazivom YellowFish Method.
Na Sveučilištu u Zadru zaposlen je od studijske godine 2015./2016., najprije na Odjelu za psihologiju, a od siječnja 2019. na Odjelu za filozofiju..
a predmeti koje predaje studentima su: Filozofija poezije, Filozofsko savjetovanje, Iz raskoraka u korak ljekovitom snagom poezije, Poezija i trauma, Ekspresivne scenske metode, Performans u svakodnevnici , Kazalište i terapija.
Od dolaska u Zadar objavio je knjige „Oštrica dijagonale“, „Iz raskoraka u korak ljekovitom snagom poezije“, „Koliko je stvarna stvarnost?“, hrv. i njem. Izdanje, „Poetika rane“,hrv. i njem. izdanje, članak „Quo Vadis? – NACQ, the Odyssey of Knowledge“ u Open Journal for Psychological Research., kao i knjigu na engleskom jeziku „ HOW DID THE QUESTION BECOME THE ANSWER
NACQ necklace of answers created with questions“ .

Nikola Nikša Eterović,, 1955, graduated in Theatre Directing and Radiophony at the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb and Philosophy and Comparitive Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar. He realized his ideas of creating a multinational and multilingual theater by creating the Wind Spiel Theatera in 1989 and the teNTheatera in 2002 in Berlin.
He has directed 130 theater projects in Croatia, throughout the former Yugoslavia, in Germany, Finland and Ireland.
In 1995, he established the international institution for theatrical qualifications, the so-called theakademie, in Berlin, which he led as the artistic leader and director until April of 2012. He devised the curriculum for theakademie, as well as worked as a professor of acting, directing, theater pedagogy and as a mentor for student directing projects.
Eterović’s activties expand to the areas of directing and theatrical creations, prevention, resocialization and therapy, innovation in creative entrepreneurship and upbringing and education. His work is interdisciplinary and intercultural. The central theme is creativity, releasing creativity, encouragement and nurturing.
Due to his diverse and innovative work, he was included in the book
He is the author of new methods of work that encourage creativity and the development of a complete personality, for example, H.T.–Organically Creative Method, A.P.–pharmacy poetry, NACQ: Necklace of Answers Created with Questions?, Der rote Rahmen/Red Frame. His innovative methods were united in 2015, under one common name: YellowFish Method.
Nikša was employed at the Department of Psychology at the University since the 2015/2016 academic year, teaching the following subjects: From gap to growth, with the healing power of poetry; Poetry and trauma; Expressive theatrical methods; Performance in everyday life; and Theater and therapy. In 2019 he transferred to the Department of Philosophy where he founded the Philosophical International Theater and teaches the Philosophy of poetry.
In the last five years he published the following books; „The cutting edge of a diagonal“, „From gap to growth, with the healing power of poetry“, „How real is reality?“, „Poetry of a wound“, and the article „Quo Vadis? – NACQ, the Odyssey of Knowledge“ in the Open Journal for Psychological Research.